Wednesday, December 17, 2003


To tell the truth I don't much like "adventures" while they are happening. It's later, often a considerable time later, when they seem to be fun and entertaining. Here's my favorite quote on the subject:

"We are plain quiet folk and have no use for adventures. Nasty disturbing uncomfortable things! Make you late for dinner! I can't think what anybody sees in them."

But yes, having had them, now that is altogether a good thing! I would have nothing worthwhile to write about otherwise.

On the other hand, I just stumbled across this one from Alain Gerbault:

"Adventure means risking something; and it is only when we are doing that that we know really what a splendid thing life is and how splendidly it can be lived... The man who dares never does; the man who never risks never wins. It is far better to venture and fail than to lie on the hearthrug like a sleepily purring cat. Only fools laugh at failure; wise men laugh at the lazy and the too-contented and at those who are so timid that they dare undertake nothing."

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